Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Miscellaneous Photos.


This spiderweb was hanging from our roof eaves when we got up early one Saturday morning.
I was taken by the moisture drops hanging from the web that the tiny spider had built overnight.

This Hawaiian Heron discovered our Koi pond and kept coming back for about a week trying to figure a way into our buffet.

One of the many doves that come to drink and bath in our back yard most evenings. (Taste like chicken) Just kidding.

In early May I was at the Scottsdale Princess Hotel for a company function and could not resist taking pictures of desert flowers that I never new even existed. (Granted I've only been in the desert twice in my life). Amazing how something that survives in the 100+ degrees can produce something so beautiful

These were sprouting from the Saguaro Cactus. I spent about an hour watching the bees fly in and out of the silky white flowers.

Close up of the previous photo

Beautiful Yellow and pale green cactus

These are my first try at photographing fireworks These were taken at the Fairmont Orchid on the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. These were taken on Bulb setting and I left the shutter open to long, but decided that I liked the trailing effect that it produced.

I ended up setting up really quickly as I didn't know that the fireworks were going on until I heard them bursting outside of my hotel room. Luckily I already had my camera on the tripod. I really didn't notice the Palm leaves in the view finder setting up in the total darkness, but again I think it adds to the picture.

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